- memorize many vocabulary one day must memorize 10 words
- watch english news or English films
- listen to English music
- study as often as posible
- do exercise and take test
- Surround yourself with English
- Use all of your Resources
- love it
- practice in your daily activities I hope you can do it like my experience. i love you
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BOOK REPORT I Name : Mahfut Khanafi ...
Many people say that English is very difficult. it is my experience how to improve my ability about English language. memorize many...
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A. Masculine Gender : kata benda yang digolongkan dalam jenis lelaki. for example : - father - mother ...
english is one of internasional language that must be study in the school. it is begining from elementary school until university. as we k...
BOOK REPORT Name : Mahfut Khanafi Nim : 10150045 A. TITLE : GULLIVER’S TRAVEL B. THEME : the Adventure of Gulliver in the strange...
Countable noun : kata benda yang dapat dihitung for example 1. chair 2. book 3. table 4. etc uncountable noun : kata benda yang tidak dap...
Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011
How to learn English well
Many people say that English is very difficult. it is my experience how to improve my ability about English language.
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